2025 MCAA's Fastest Trowel on the Block




Please complete the registration form below. Additional information about the competition will be sent once your registration is received.

By electronically registering I have read and understand the rules and risks of the event outlined below and will abide by them.

I have read and understand the rules and risks of the event outlined below and will abide by them.
• Approved personal protective equipment must be worn at all times, including safety glasses or goggles.
• This is a smoke-free environment. Smoking is not permitted at any time.
• The possession of all forms of illegal drugs, etc and the consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited.

The MCAA’s Fastest Trowel on the Block is the sole property of the Mason Contractor’s Association of America (MCAA). MCAA reserves the right to control any branding, display or apparel associated with said event. Only MCAA approved branding, display or apparel may be worn by a Fastest Trowel on the Block participant and competitor once they have entered the competition arena. Branding and display are defined as any logo, image or wording promoting a person or business. Apparel is defined, as any clothing worn or displayed by the competitor. The Fastest Trowel on the Block competitor agrees to wear only MCAA approved apparel in the arena, during the competition, the post-event award ceremony, and any interaction with the media until the event is officially declared over by the MCAA. Failure to comply with this rule is grounds for penalty or disqualification from the event, which may result in the loss of title, cash and prizes, at the discretion of the MCAA.

All Fastest Trowel on the Block participants and competitors agree to allow their image to be recorded, and reproduced by any media covering the event for gratis and
without restriction. MCAA shall control all use and reproduction of all images created of the Fastest Trowel on the Block.
All Fastest Trowel on the Block participants and competitors agree to conduct themselves with high moral character and in a socially appropriate way that reflects positively on the Fastest Trowel on the Block and its sponsors. Failure to comply with this rule is grounds for penalty or disqualification from the event, which may result
in the loss of title, cash and prizes, at the discretion of the MCAA.

All Fastest Trowel on the Block competitors agree, during the day the national event is held, to make themselves available from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM PST, to the media gratis and without restriction to promote the Fastest Trowel on the Block. All Fastest Trowel on the Block winners agree, during the year of the competition to make themselves reasonably available to media gratis and without restriction to promote the Fastest Trowel on the Block. They agree to promote the event in a way that reflects positively on the Fastest Trowel on the Block and its sponsors. Failure to comply with this rule is grounds for penalty or disqualification from the event, which may result in the loss of title, cash and prizes, at the discretion of the MCAA.

For purposes of the Agreement the terms defined in this section shall have the meanings herein specified:

1.1 Event. “Event” means and includes individually and collectively the national Fastest Trowel on the Block and any contests or activities taking place during the Event and on the Event grounds and all related activities preceding and subsequent to the competition including, but not limited to, competition set-up, the Fastest Trowel on the Block, award ceremony and clean up.

1.2 Released Parties: “Released Parties” means and includes individually and collectively the Mason Contractors Association of America, its employees, staff, officers, consultants, board of directors, members, and related companies, Fastest Trowel on the Block Competition event staff, Fastest Trowel on the Block Judges, Fastest Trowel on the Block Competition event sponsors and contributors and their employees, officers, staff, distributors, vendors and customers, all World of Concrete staff, officers, employees and related parties, all Freeman Exhibitions staff, officers, employees and related parties, all Informa staff, officers, employees and related parties.

In consideration for being accepted by the Mason Contractors Association of America for participation in or attending the Event Fastest Trowel on the Block, I, being 18 years of age or older, for myself and those under my control and supervision hereby unconditionally release, forever discharge and agree to hold harmless the Released Parties, thereof from any and all liability, claims, causes of action, or demands for; personal injury, sickness, or death, as well as property damage and expenses, of any nature whatsoever which may be incurred by the undersigned and those under my control and supervision, that occur while participating in or attending the above described Event.

Furthermore, I, for myself and those under my control and supervision hereby assume all risk of personal injury, sickness, death, damage and expense as a result of participating in or attending the Event.
The undersigned, and those under his/her control and supervision, further hereby agrees to hold harmless, defend and indemnify Released Parties, for any liability resulting from or arising out from or related to the negligent, willful or intentional acts of said participant, and those under the undersigned’s control and supervision, including expenses and attorneys fees incurred attendant thereto.
Further, I, for myself and those under my control and supervision hereby understand that this contest is intended for the goodwill of the masonry industry, all participants and Event attendees and it is to be governed by a specific set of Fastest Trowel on the Block Competition rules that I have received and read. I will abide by these set of rules, and I understand that these rules include both objective and subjective interpretations by the judges. And, whether the results obtained are based on objective measure or subjective interpretation, I realize that the judging results are final, and I, hereby, waive any right to dispute or protest the final results of the contest. Additionally, I, for myself and those under my control and supervision, hereby release, forever discharge and agree to hold harmless the Released Parties, thereof from any and all liability, claims, causes of action, or demands for damages that may occur as a result of the outcome of the Event, including but not limited to: financial loss from travel expenses and time lost at work, and psychological and physiological distress and disorder.

I, for myself and those under my control and supervision, further understand, regardless of the Fastest Trowel on the Block Competition results, I may not make expressively stated or implied claims, causes of action, before, during or after the Event, which may harm or damage the reputation of the Event and the Released Parties. Doing so may constitute the aforementioned parties in seeking legal damages for libel, slander, and/or defamation.
Further, should it be necessary for the participant, and those under the control and supervision, to return home due to medical reasons, or otherwise, I hereby assume all transportation costs.

For me and for the minor, the undersigned agrees and understands that we assume all risks associated with the terms of this contract. I have carefully read the foregoing full and complete release of liability and indemnity agreement and understand its contents. I acknowledge and understand this is a full and complete release of liability and indemnity agreement, that it includes any and all claims by the minor, me or anyone else on the minor’s behalf for any reason, including negligence, and that I am contractually agreeing to these terms freely, fully and without reservation in exchange for the right to have the minor participate in or attend in the Event. I have read the foregoing and understand the rules and risks of the Event and will abide by them.

Judge Application

Success! Changes Saved