The Masonry Foundation

Grant Submission

The Masonry Foundation awards grants once each year at the Association's annual Midyear Meeting. The grant submission process will open on June 15; applications are due by July 15 of each year for consideration at the MCAA Midyear Meeting.

Submission Process

The Masonry Foundation Has Invested:


Project Summary 2020 Grants

They are broken down into the following projects:

Project Summary 2019 Grants

They are broken down into the following projects:

Masonry Institute of Iowa Prison ProgramMasonry Institute of Iowa Prison Program
$2,325 & In-Kind Contribution Awarded

Project Summary Pre 2019 Grants

The Masonry Foundation works on projects to benefit the masonry industry including high quality education, in-depth research and overall promotion of the masonry industry.

"I am personally supporting our Foundation's critical endowment initiative because I believe it's time for our industry to take charge of its future."

- Mark Kemp, Superior Masonry Builders, Inc.


Robert "Buddie" Barnes

Robert "Buddie" Barnes
Dee Brown, Inc.

Dick Dentinger

Dick Dentinger
B&D Associates, LLC

Pete Groetzinger

Pete Groetzinger
Brazos Masonry, Inc.

Ron Adams

Ron Adams
Cascade Construction

Brian Carney

Brian Carney

No Photo

Garen Graves

Melvin Hinton

Melvin Hinton
MH Masonry, Inc.

Heath Holdaway

Heath Holdaway
IMS Masonry, Inc.

John Jacob

John Jacob
J. Construction Company

Christian Stein

Christian Stein
Arch Masonry & Restoration

Robert "Buddie" Barnes

Robert "Buddie" Barnes
Review Committee Chairman
Dee Brown, Inc.

Neal Adams

Neal Adams
Review Committee Member
Adams Masonry, Inc.

Calvin Brodie

Calvin Brodie
Review Committee Member
Brodie Contractors, Inc.

Paul Cantarella

Paul Cantarella
Review Committee Member
Cantarella & Son, Inc.

Mark Kemp

Mark Kemp
Review Committee Member
Superior Masonry Builders, Inc.

"There is nothing as important to this industry as securing a healthy and stable future for our members."

- Mackie Bounds, Brazos Masonry, Inc.


The Masonry Foundation is pleased to announce the manner in which it recognizes investments. All donors from the Patron level to the Chairman level are recognized as members and supporters of The Masonry Foundation. Investment commitments are acknowledged publicly, in accordance with the investor's wishes and the level of commitment, as follows:



Oldcastle Architectural

Spec Mix





Brazos Masonry

Superior Masonry Builders, Inc.



Brodie Contractors

Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd.

Dee Brown, Inc.

EZ Scaffold

EZG Manufacturing

GBC Concrete and Masonry Construction, Inc.

McGee Brothers

Michael and Colleen Sutter

Non-Stop Scaffolding



Arch Masonry, Inc.

Arizona Masonry Council

Cascade Construction

County Materials

Gates Construction Co., Inc.

Hill Masonry

IMS Masonry, Inc.

J. Construction Co.

John Smith Memorial Fund

Joyner Masonry Works, Inc.

Manning Masonry, Inc.

Marriott Construction


MCA of Milwaukee


New Dimension Masonry

Ollier Masonry

Orco Block and Hardscape

Palmetto Brick

Pinnacle Masonry

Restore Masonry

Tucker-Kirby, Co.



Adams Masonry, Inc.

Advanced Masonry Restoration

Al Slattery Masonry Inc

All Stacked Up Masonry Inc

Angelus Block Co., Inc.

B&D Associates

Biancofiori Masonry Inc.

Cantarella & Son, Inc.

Carolina Masonry Unlimited, Inc.

Custom Brick & Supply Company

Edgar Boettcher Mason Contractor, Inc.


Forrest & Associate, Inc.

Huntley Brothers Co Inc.

Hydro Mobile

JB Overman Masonry, LLC

JDS Masonry

Johnson Concrete

Joseph Rizzo & Sons Construction Co.

Kings Material

Lang Masonry

MCA of Greater Chicago

McMaster Concrete Products

MH Masonry

P and S Masonry, Inc.

Quality Brickworks, Ltd.

R E Harris Mason Contractor, Inc.

R.I. Lampus

RCP Block and Brick

Rush Masonry

Shadrock and Williams Masonry

Simmons Masonry, Inc.

Spencer Brickwork, Inc.

W.B.F. Construction Inc.

Whitman Masonry



Arteaga Construction Inc.

DKL Masonry, LLC

General Shale

Lehi Block Company, Inc.

Masonry Arts

TCC Materials and Amcon Concrete Products

The Block Foundation




G&G Enterprises

Heitkamp Masonry Inc.

J.H. Hassinger, Inc.

Kirby Constriction Services

Koontz Masonry, Inc.

ROC Construction

Sunroc Corp.

Triangle Brick Company

William A. Hein Construction Co., Inc.



Cascade Construction Co., Inc.

City Masonry, LLC

K. Walter Construction, Inc.

Midwest Block and Brick

Popes Masonry Group, LLC

Pyramid Masonry Contractors

Saint Gobain Corporation

W.C. Dentinger

Walsh Masonry, Inc.



Buckeye Construction & Restoration, LTD.



A. Tedesco

Amcon Concrete Products, LLC

CFI Foam, Inc.

Division 4, Inc.

In Memory of Peter Schlagel

Jahnsen Masonry Contractors, Inc.

Masonry Cosmetics

TE Reilly, Inc.

William A. Sneed Jr.

In order to provide a permanent funding source, many millions of dollars will be needed. Our campaign goal is $5,000,000 divided into two phases of $2,500,000 each resulting in an initial corpus of $5,000,000 from which The Masonry Foundation can access the interest to fund critical industry initiatives.


Goal: $5,000,000

"I thrive on promoting my industry and its future. I know what it can provide and I want to be a part of preserving its future."

- Gary Joyner, Joyner Masonry Works, Inc.


The Foundation was established to provide perpetual financial support for the nonprofit and its mission. It is the goal of the Board to maintain and invest the Fund so that the growth of the Fund will be sufficient to offset the effects of inflation and to provide perpetual funding at prescribed annual levels for the operating fund of the nonprofit.

"It's important for we, who have benefitted so much from this industry, to give something back, helping to ensure a sound and prosperous future for the next generation."

- Michael and Colleen Sutter



1481 Merchant Drive
Algonquin, IL 60102





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