Friends in high places

Words: Jennifer MorrellAfter nearly seven years covering the masonry industry, and double that time covering real estate and development in the past, I fully understand that the industry can become a small world. I have gotten to know the movers and shakers in the masonry industry, along with countless others who touch our industry in various ways.

For instance, it’s nice to travel to Washington, D.C., and see familiar faces in the Halls of Congress. I have finally learned my way around the Senate and the House, and after our most recent Legislative Conference in May, I now know my way around the Capitol Building. Thanks to Rep. Reid Ribble (R-WI), all of the participants in this year’s South of 40 Convention in D.C., which was held in conjunction with the MCAA Legislative Conference, I know a great deal more about the U.S. Capitol — including a room or two that were locked away from the general public. It’s just another example of the many benefits that come with involvement in the MCAA and the vibrant
South of 40 group.

So, I’ll say again, if you didn’t attend this year, you should plan to in 2015. It’s beyond invigorating to know you actually are making a difference for your industry — the best industry in the world: masonry.
OSHA Releases Proposed Heat Injury and Illness Prevention Rule

On July 2, OSHA released its “Proposed Heat Injury and Illness Prevention Programs Rule” as a new, proposed standard to prevent heat illnesses and injury in indoor and outdoor settings.

Masonry In The Media - Bradbury Building, Palace of Fine Arts, The White House, and More

Completed in 1893 in downtown Los Angeles, the Bradbury Building showcases meticulous masonry work throughout its structure, blending various materials to create a stunning visual and tactile experience.

Marvelous Masonry - Soldier Field

Soldier Field, a Chicago landmark and one of the most iconic sports venues in the United States, demonstrates masonry's enduring strength and beauty. Opened in 1924, Soldier Field has undergone several renovations, but its original masonry work remains a

Fechino Files: Applicants and Sponsors

It is the time of year when summer gets crazy, and time off, schedules, and deadlines can make for some really stressful days. However, the Masonry Apprentice Scholarship is the opposite of stress—it is just a cool way of supporting younger folks who want