The Masonry Foundation Grant Requests

Words: Bronzella Cleveland

Submission process open June 15 - July 15

The Masonry Foundation awards grants once each year at the Association's annual Midyear Meeting. The grant submission process will open on June 15. Applications are due by July 15 of each year for consideration at the MCAA Midyear Meeting.

Each grant proposal is ranked based on the Review Committee's evaluation and then submitted to the Board of Trustees. The Board then approves or denies each grant based on the Review Committee's recommendations.

Once each grant is approved, an oversight team monitors the progress of the program or activity through completion.

The Masonry Foundation welcomes proposals from all qualified contractors, engineers, educators, universities, and other professionals associated with the masonry industry.

Visit to learn more about submitting a request and to submit an application by July 15.

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