A Word on the New AHC Plan

Words: Jeff BuczkiewiczWords: Jeff Buczkiewicz, MCAA President   I wanted to take a quick moment to share with you the experiences we are seeing with the Association Health Care plan.  First, it has been saving a lot of companies a lot of money.  We have situations where a company can save anywhere from $5,000 all the way up to tens of thousands of dollars.  Every situation is different and we would encourage you to reach out today and see if the plan can save your company money.  Some companies have been able to offer better plans and still save money.  The Mason Contractors Association of America is changing our employee plan (effective January 1, 2019) and has enhanced our benefit offerings and still look to save about $13,000 per year.  Those are not hypothetical dollars, those are real dollars for a real company.     The entire reason we spent a lot of time working to develop this program with Assurance and United Healthcare was to give mason contractors access to excellent affordable healthcare and we are very confident that is now happening.  You are welcome to keep your same agent if you choose.  You do not have to utilize Assurance unless you would like to.  Your current agent will have access to the MCAA Association Healthcare plan and can still service your company’s full insurance needs.  See the accompanying article on how they can access those rates.    As I look back at how this whole process began, I find it funny in many ways.  I had been in the early stages of developing the plan and an MCAA member gave me a phone call.  It was a great member of ours from the great state of OH.  He told me his agent had just given him his renewal numbers and he just had a sizeable increase again.  He said he asked his agent how he can save and that he could not continue to absorb these cost increases.  He told me his agent asked if he were a part of an association.  He replied yes and he told him to have them start an Association Healthcare plan.  Little did he know I had been working on the plan for about a month at that time, but I was happy to tell him we would hopefully have one up and running for him soon.  His agent was correct, members can save money and some save a lot.  It is worth your time and effort to see what can be saved with our plan.    Not a member of the MCAA today, not a problem.  Contact us today and we will get you in touch with someone who can get you rates for health insurance coverage.  In this case, you get to test us before you join.  See what rates you get back.  If you like the rates, and you want to switch, all you would need to do is join and finalize the switch with the broker.  In most cases, the dollars you save on your insurance will more than pay for your membership.  So not only will you be saving money, you will also be supporting your association who will reinvest your dues dollars to help increase market share, provide more resources to help your company in your everyday life and so much more.  It is truly the best win/win situation you could encounter.  After you join, you will find a whole host of others programs available to members which will help you save even more money.  Put your association to work for you by saving you dollars.           
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