The Time For McCain to Make History is Now

Words: Matthew AdamsOne thing that everyone can agree upon the Democratic Ticket is that it is historical. By nominating the first African-American, the Democrats have made history. This has created a tremendous amount of excitement around Barack Obama's candidacy. Even with John McCain's tremendous life story, he can not match this enthusiasm and Obama’s historical precedent.

In order to pump excitement into his ticket to rival Obama’s, I believe that McCain should put one of the many tremendously qualified Republican women on the ticket. He has many to chooses from: Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, who has blue-collar roots, an energy background and has run an anti-corruption administration; Congresswoman Heather Wilson, who is a graduate of the Air Force Academy, a veteran, an expert on foreign affair and intelligence, and from a swing state; Congresswoman Candice Miller, who served in state-wide elective office in Michigan, is conservative with blue-collar roots from a swing state; Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, who serves in GOP leadership in the Senate; and Elaine Chao, who currently serves as Labor Secretary.

All of these women have one thing in common- they are all socially conservative and while being able to excite the base like a Romney or Pawlenty and allow McCain's ticket to be historical and attract many new voters to the Republican Party. I believe that a ticket with any of these women makes McCain the front runner and will give him a tremendous bounce coming out of the convention. It will not only benefit McCain among white women, but also Hispanic and African-American women. In an election that can be swung either way by one or two points, any shift in the female vote can make a difference.

Beyond the 2008 election, I see this election shifting voter demographics back to the advantage of the Republican Party. Just think: If the GOP is the first party to put a woman in the executive office, then a Vice President Palin, Wilson, or any other candidate would be a hero to many women across the spectrum and for several generations the Republican Party will be able to boast that they were the party to break the glass ceiling.
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