MCAA Bylaws Committee
The Bylaws Committee reviews and recommends changes or additions to the existing Bylaws of the Association.
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MCAA Education Committee
The Education Committee oversees educational programs offered by the association. All MCAA seminars and publications fall under the jurisdiction of the Education Committee. The committee continually reviews existing MCAA manuals and additional industry related publications for relevance to mason contractors and then offers the most relevant publications to the members. In addition, the committee develops seminar programs targeted to meet the needs of mason contractors.
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MCAA Generation Next Committee
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MCAA Legislative Committee
The Legislative Committee is responsible for guiding the association in the legislative arena. It is the committee's domain in establishing legislative and regulatory issues that the association will become active in affecting. As issues arise, it is the committee that will direct MCAA members to become engaged in educating elected officials on the issues and MCAA's position. The Legislative Committee develops programs to gain member involvement in the legislative and political process both nationally and at the local level. The committee is also responsible for directing the MAC PAC.
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MCAA Membership Committee
When you want to take your membership to the next level, consider volunteering on the MCAA’s Membership Committee. Member volunteers help drive the MCAA. With every new volunteer, the MCAA becomes better equipped to reach our goals.
The Membership Committee is responsible for all membership recruitment and retention activities. The committee oversees such member development and promotional efforts such as welcoming new members and assisting them into actual membership within the association. The committee is responsible for determining member satisfaction and that future needs of the membership are met.
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MCAA Safety Committee
The Safety Committee is responsible for the development of safety programs for the mason contractor as well as keeping the industry informed on key safety issues.
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MCAA Technical Committee
The Technical Committee's primary role is to guide the MCAA's involvement in the codes and standards and research arena as well as technical developments for the mason contractor in the masonry industry. The committee oversees MCAA's representation on other industry committees such as ASTM, MSJC, CMR and MACS as well as OSHA.
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MCAA Union Committee
The primary role of the Union Committee is to focus on the needs of union mason contractors.
-Continue to develop activities we do jointly at the MCAA Convention.
-Work to continue to build our relationship with the Laborers and BAC.
-Develop other areas of need for union contractors.
When you want to take your membership to the next level, consider volunteering on the MCAA’s Union Committee. Member volunteers help drive the MCAA. With every new volunteer, the MCAA becomes better equipped to reach our goals.
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MCAA Workforce Development Committee
The Workforce Development Committee has jurisdiction over all MCAA related mason recruiting and training programs. Included in this committee's responsibilities is the marketing of the Masonry Career Days and other recruiting and career awareness efforts, developing and marketing training publications and videos as well as instructor training programs. Another area of the Workforce Development Committee's responsibilities is the mobilization of contractor and industry involvement in the recruiting and training efforts.
-Career path flow charts for use as part of recruitment materials.
-Work to get DOL to recognize internships for prevailing wage jobs. Would allow students who are seniors in high school to begin work on jobs as soon as they graduate from high school.
-Work with and manage day-to-day operations of the National Masonry Instructors Association (NMIA) in an effort to help grow and add value to the mission of the organization.
-Work with local chapters who are working successful development programs to create manuals on how to implement something similar elsewhere.
Support NCCER effort to get the Masonry manuals online for internet training.
-Develop a community group for schools and instructors utilizing the NCCER curriculum. The community group would share ideas and resources to help the teaching process. All instructors would be welcome to join the group.
Digital “baseball cards” featuring real people with job descriptions and “stats”. Work with Marketing on this. In particular the committees should develop categories of who will be featured.
When you want to take your membership to the next level, consider volunteering on the MCAA’s Workforce Development Committee. Member volunteers help drive the MCAA. With every new volunteer, the MCAA becomes better equipped to reach our goals.
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