EchelonTM is the new consolidated brand for the masonry products and services of Oldcastle® Architectural. For generations, Oldcastle has been North America’s leading manufacturer of building products and materials and establ...
THE FUTURE OF THE MASONRY FOUNDATIONBy Mike SutterI have said many times and even written in this magazine in the past that the Masonry Foundation is the future of our Industry. It will allow us to fund organizations across...
Amerimix manufactures and delivers quality-preblended mortars, stuccos, grouts, and specialty cements to meet the needs of developers, general contractors, plasterers, and masons. ...
Masonry mortar is an ancient building material, yet it remains central to the modern construction industry. Its combination of resilience and forgiveness has enabled the creation of ancient architectural masterpieces through contemporary skyscrapers. Alon
Building a World-Class Brand The world is dominated by brands, from behemoths like Amazon and Coca-Cola to niche industry players like our team at Amerimix. Regardless of their scale, a strong brand is the key to unlocking product trials, customer prefere
The Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women (LCIW), located in the heart of St. Gabriel, Louisiana, needed a complete rebuild after damage from a devastating flood in 2016. The inmates were relocated to other prisons from 2022 to 2024 while the series
One of the greatest pleasures of being in the masonry industry is that we are the privileged few who never have to give up our Legos.
Garis Distelhorst, CAE, Executive Vice President and CEO of the Marble Institute of America since 2002, will retire December 31, 2012.
The Marble Institute of America is producing a documentary that memorializes the global historic relationship between mankind and natural stone.
Marble Institute of America and studiomarmo have announced the release of iStone, a natural stone swatch application for the iPad.