Dan J Kester


Marshalltown Company

Employee - 1980- Current

Marshalltown is proud to have been a member of MCAA since 1993. We believe in supporting the association that represents and promotes the masonry trade and mason contractors. We manufacture the world's toughest brick trowels ...

Compliance Assistance for Small Businesses

Compliance Assistance for Small Businesses

About: Featured
Update on Association Health Plan Legislation

Update on Association Health Plan Legislation

MCAA Works to Pass the Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act; Small Business Owners Have Little Faith in Legal Profession

MCAA Works to Pass the Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act; Small Business Owners Have Little Faith in Legal Profession

Update On Association Health Plan Legislation

Update On Association Health Plan Legislation

Update On Proposed Rule On Hexavalent Chromium

Update On Proposed Rule On Hexavalent Chromium

Sparks May Fly Over Provisions in Electrical Safety Standards Proposed by OSHA

Sparks May Fly Over Provisions in Electrical Safety Standards Proposed by OSHA

Texas Silicosis Claims Found to be Fraudulent Now Subject of Federal Grand Jury and Congressional Investigations

Texas Silicosis Claims Found to be Fraudulent Now Subject of Federal Grand Jury and Congressional Investigations

House Passes Bipartisan Bill to Provide Affordable Health Care Options to Small Businesses

House Passes Bipartisan Bill to Provide Affordable Health Care Options to Small Businesses

Legislative Update

Legislative Update

MCAA Holds Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C.

MCAA Holds Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C.

OSHA Reform Bills Pass the House

OSHA Reform Bills Pass the House

Regulatory Mischief and the Meddlings of a Select Group

Regulatory Mischief and the Meddlings of a Select Group

Overhand Bricklaying Exemption Citation Thrown Out

Overhand Bricklaying Exemption Citation Thrown Out

MCAA to Host Political Action Committee Reception at Convention

MCAA to Host Political Action Committee Reception at Convention

House Passes Permanent Repeal of Death Tax; House Committee Reports OSHA Reform Bills to the Floor

House Passes Permanent Repeal of Death Tax; House Committee Reports OSHA Reform Bills to the Floor

Making Workplaces Safer

Making Workplaces Safer

Legislative Outlook for Association Health Plans is Improving

Legislative Outlook for Association Health Plans is Improving

Internet Reverse Auctions: Problematic for Contractors and Owners

Internet Reverse Auctions: Problematic for Contractors and Owners

Bankruptcy Reform Bill Headed for Senate Vote

Bankruptcy Reform Bill Headed for Senate Vote

Social Security Reform

Social Security Reform

Small Business Research, Statistics Easier to Find

Small Business Research, Statistics Easier to Find

About: Featured
OSHA 300 A Summary

OSHA 300 A Summary

OSHA Announces Hispanic Outreach Module of Compliance Assistance

OSHA Announces Hispanic Outreach Module of Compliance Assistance

The Education and Training of Your Employees is More Important Than Ever

The Education and Training of Your Employees is More Important Than Ever

About: Featured
OSHA Citations for Silica Exposure

OSHA Citations for Silica Exposure

MCAA Promotes Apprenticeship Training through Legislation

MCAA Promotes Apprenticeship Training through Legislation

About: Featured
Ergonomics: The Issue That Never Dies

Ergonomics: The Issue That Never Dies

Election Results Bode Well for Passage of AHP Legislation in the Senate

Election Results Bode Well for Passage of AHP Legislation in the Senate

The Information Age: How You Take Advantage of It is Up to You

The Information Age: How You Take Advantage of It is Up to You

About: Featured
Voting - 'EZ' as 1, 2, 3

Voting - 'EZ' as 1, 2, 3

Health Insurance Premiums Continue to Increase

Health Insurance Premiums Continue to Increase

More on Proposed Rulemaking for Hexavalent Chromium

More on Proposed Rulemaking for Hexavalent Chromium

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Hexavalent Chromium

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Hexavalent Chromium

MCAA Silica Task Force Makes Great Progress

MCAA Silica Task Force Makes Great Progress

Silica Task Force Holds August Meetings, More Scheduled in September

Silica Task Force Holds August Meetings, More Scheduled in September

The Department of Labor's Semi-annual Agenda - Important Issues for Our Industry

The Department of Labor's Semi-annual Agenda - Important Issues for Our Industry

Town Hall Meetings

Town Hall Meetings

MCAA Hosts Silica Task Force Meeting

MCAA Hosts Silica Task Force Meeting

OSHA/MCAA Alliance - One More Reason to be a Member

OSHA/MCAA Alliance - One More Reason to be a Member

About: Featured
MCAA Contractors Meet with Head of OSHA

MCAA Contractors Meet with Head of OSHA

The Regulatory Road Ahead - Caution, It May Get Bumpy!

The Regulatory Road Ahead - Caution, It May Get Bumpy!

Hexavalent Chromium Exposure Next On OSHA's Hit List

Hexavalent Chromium Exposure Next On OSHA's Hit List

Hexavalent Chromium - OSHA Drafts Yet Another Health Standard to Limit Exposure

Hexavalent Chromium - OSHA Drafts Yet Another Health Standard to Limit Exposure

Brick Pavers - Flexible and Functional

Brick Pavers - Flexible and Functional

About: Featured
MCAA - Building Bridges to a Better Future

MCAA - Building Bridges to a Better Future

About: Featured
Legislative Update: Associations Health Plans

Legislative Update: Associations Health Plans

The Small Business Review Panel Report on Crystalline Silica Exposure

The Small Business Review Panel Report on Crystalline Silica Exposure

Small Business Review Panel Report Issued on Silica Exposure

Small Business Review Panel Report Issued on Silica Exposure

OSHA's Silica Exposure Standard

OSHA's Silica Exposure Standard

MCAA'S Director of Government Affairs Participates in BIPAC Forum

MCAA'S Director of Government Affairs Participates in BIPAC Forum

Association Health Plan Legislation Update

Association Health Plan Legislation Update

Medical Removal Protection - A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing

Medical Removal Protection - A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing

Ergonomics: Common Sense Finally

Ergonomics: Common Sense Finally

Ergonomics: How Much is too Much?

Ergonomics: How Much is too Much?

New Accounting Standards Could Impact Small, Non-Public Companies

New Accounting Standards Could Impact Small, Non-Public Companies

About: Featured
OSHA Issues General Duty Clause Citations for Ergonomics

OSHA Issues General Duty Clause Citations for Ergonomics

New Tax Credit Legislation Introduced in the Senate

New Tax Credit Legislation Introduced in the Senate

MCAA/OSHA Health and Safety Alliance Moves Forward

MCAA/OSHA Health and Safety Alliance Moves Forward

MCAA Fights OSHA Scaffolding Interpretation

MCAA Fights OSHA Scaffolding Interpretation

OSHA's Scaffolding Interpretation: Questionable Policy vs. Proven Practice

OSHA's Scaffolding Interpretation: Questionable Policy vs. Proven Practice

Congressman Gary Miller Speaks to MCAA

Congressman Gary Miller Speaks to MCAA

MCAA Co-Hosts Fundraiser for Senator Christopher Bond

MCAA Co-Hosts Fundraiser for Senator Christopher Bond

Hot Topics from Washington D.C.

Hot Topics from Washington D.C.

Legislative Update from Washington

Legislative Update from Washington

Toxic Mold: A Serious Health Problem or Consumer Hysteria?

Toxic Mold: A Serious Health Problem or Consumer Hysteria?

About: Featured
Military Construction Just Ain't What it Used to Be

Military Construction Just Ain't What it Used to Be

About: Featured
Meeting Your Representatives

Meeting Your Representatives

Economic Growth and Jobs Package Presented by the Bush Administration

Economic Growth and Jobs Package Presented by the Bush Administration

Association Health Plans

Association Health Plans

The Legislative Agenda for the 108th Congress

The Legislative Agenda for the 108th Congress

Bringing an End to Bundling

Bringing an End to Bundling

About: Featured
Ergonomics Resurfaces in Both Washingtons

Ergonomics Resurfaces in Both Washingtons