Safety is no more than doing the job the right way, every day.
If you are unsure how to perform a task, ask your supervisor. Don't guess. Make sure you know in advance the correct, safe way to do it.
When on an active construction site, attention from everyone is key to helping keep a work environment safe.
Safety does not come naturally. It requires you to constantly ask questions and educate yourself.
You can do a quality job without rushing. This is just common sense - something smart workers use!
With little or no warning, unprotected, improperly shored, or improperly sloped trenches and walls can collapse, trapping anyone below or close thereto.
There's nothing wrong with a little fun at work, but it's important to know the difference between having fun and at-risk behavior.
Although offices are not considered to be high hazard work environments, injuries happen when risks are not controlled or when people get careless.
When you work on projects where other trades create hazards, it's important to know how to recognize and deal with them.
There are many reasons why workplace safety inspections are essential. Safety inspections prevent injuries, illnesses, and deaths on the job.
With a focus on leads from their new rule, the evidence is right there – laying in the hospital bed or on the floor underneath the saw. OSHA's job just g
Our chief motivation for having safety inspections should be to prevent one of our work family members from being hurt.
We can draw a few parallels from Sir Winston Churchill to the subject of shifting an employee’s attitude toward safety.
When loading or unloading materials or tools, avoid bending, twisting or carrying long distances.
Whether the economy affects safety can only be answered by each mason contractor, and it can vary.
For a person to accomplish any task of great significance, he must have the wherewithal to complete the task.